Helping Seal Your Criminal Record Through The Expungement Process
Expungement is a legal procedure by which a court can direct that the record of your arrest and sometimes your conviction be removed from public records. Removal of these events in your life can be extremely important because almost all employers now run background checks on applicants. A criminal conviction can have lifelong negative effects and hurt your ability to get a job, get into school, get a loan, get memberships in clubs or professional organizations, and own a gun.
Arrest Record Removal In Mississippi
Every arrest that does not result in a conviction can be expunged. Most misdemeanors can be expunged. The following felonies are expungeable by statute:
Bad checks
Possession of a controlled substance
Possession of paraphernalia
False pretense
Malicious mischief
Other felonies when the defendant was under the age of 18 at the time of commission of the crime
First-offense DUIs committed before July 1, 2014 (Law went into effect July 1, 2014)
Understanding Felony Expunction
These categories have some limitations that we can discuss with you when you call about your particular case. A person is also limited to one felony expunction.
If you have a previous conviction you want removed from your record, the Law Office of George B. Ready is ready to assist you in achieving that goal. Having served as a judge for 15 years prior to returning to law practice and having been licensed for over 39 years, attorney George Ready is well-prepared to help protect your record, your life and your future.
Is Expungement An Option For You?
Were you arrested but not charged with a crime? Expungement may be an option for you. Whatever the case may be, we encourage you to contact us. We will review your record and talk about your options. Our decades of experience mean that we are well-versed in all available options for clearing a criminal arrest record. We can identify whether expungement will be effective in helping you obtain a clean record so you can put the past behind you.
If you have a criminal record you want expunged, contact the Law Office of George B. Ready, in Hernando, by phone at 662-429-7088, or send us a message online through this webpage to arrange a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.